Saturday, December 18, 2010

Have I mentioned how much I like Jonny Greenwood as a musician? And that I'm a huge Radiohead fan? And that I'm really looking forward to their next album release? I thought so. Well, today I heard a new piece by Mr. Greenwood - part of the soundtrack he wrote for a Japanese film called Norwegian Wood - which confirmed further why I hold the three opinions listed above. It's a short work for solo guitar that is part traditional and part other-worldly, like a lot of Radiohead's music. I haven't gotten very far with analyzing it yet - that'll take a while - but I'm quite sure that it's another example of the use of asymmetrical formal concepts giving their music the rare (make that extremely rare) quality of sounding different with every listen. And the title, "Don't Read What Hasn't Been Baptized by Time", might be as beautiful as the music:

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