Saturday, January 15, 2011

What's your favourite song? Tough question, isn't it? I've had it asked of me, and I've never yet been satisfied with any answer that I've given. For one thing, I've had several different ones over the years. In any event, the best answer that I've heard anyone give it was provided in an interview with Julian Casablancas, the frontman of the excellent New York rock band known as the Strokes: "Probably 'A Change Is Gonna Come'," was the succinct, and very cool, answer. The song is sort of like a called shot in baseball - Sam Cooke (apparently impressed with "Blowin' in the Wind") said he was going to hit one out of the park, and did. It combines the personal and the universal; it's beautifully orchestrated; and it's sung by Sam Cooke:

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