Sunday, January 9, 2011

Further to yesterday's post regarding Orwell's influence on rock, I can't leave the topic without discussing it in terms of Radiohead. I don't think it's too much to say that there's probably never been a band that owes so much to a writer. From their album art (which, because of the integrative process by which it's created - i.e. at the same time and place as the music - adds great layers of meaning to the albums) to their lyrics (which consider themes of mind control and the individual versus faceless power structures) to the music (which often sounds like it's made by a synthesis of man and machine), the single most descriptive word for all of it is probably "Orwellian". Which is fine. The issues that Orwell raised in his incredibly sophisticated fictions are front and center in our time, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. And knowing their importance, the fact that he inspired the most important rock artists of the 21st century isn't really a surprise. Here's "2+2=5": (

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