Sunday, October 24, 2010

With retrospect, it's clear that George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh is one of the pivotal moments in rock history. It's not only because this was the first benefit concert of such a size, with such a cast of musicians, but that it provided another way forward for rock and roll: altruism. And with each passing year, it's become not only common for rockers to be involved in causes - it's almost expected.
Anyone who hasn't seen the film of the concert has something great to look forward to. From Harrison's down-to-earth explanation of the reasons for his involvement to the backstage shots of the legendary musicians preparing to go on - from Ravi Shankar's fascinating performance of "Bangla Dhun" (with Harrison kindly asking the crowd to recognize the seriousness of the performers) to the mighty rock and roll show to follow: it's a delight not to be missed. It's hard to believe that Harrison has been gone for almost nine years, and watching him in this footage as he fills the spotlight as a performer, musician and great man is an emotional experience. We were lucky to have him, and his legacy is gigantic. Thanks. (

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