Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seeing Nowhere Boy and re-listening to some of Lennon's work with the Beatles has gotten me wanting to check out some of his solo work again, as well. So I'll be writing about some of it in the days ahead. I'm also going to give another spin to the solo stuff of the other three chaps. Today, I'll recommend McCartney's Chaos and Creation in the Backyard from 2005, which coincidentally features a cover photo called Our Kid through Mom's Net Curtains that was taken at roughly the same time as the events portrayed in the movie mentioned above. Virtually all of the instrumental work was done by McCartney, and it's impressive. It was produced by Nigel Godrich, sometimes referred to as the sixth member of Radiohead for his work with them. The album is rich and resonant in sound, beautifully sung and played by an astonishing musician capable of matching his very best work right into his sixties. Here's a link for "English Tea":

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